You can make a difference.

Injuries are the leading cause of death for children in the Chautauqua Region. Shockingly, the majority of these incidents are considered to be preventable. Click here to read Penny Echard’s testimonial about the importance of the training offered by the Chautauqua Safety Village.

Heart IconMake a donation.

The Chautauqua Safety Village operates on grant funding, donations, and fundraisers. The support of our generous community helps upkeep our unique facility and allows us to offer a variety of safety-related programs. Your donation will help us promote community safety through education and allow us to continue offering cutting-edge and life-saving safety courses. For more information, download our sponsorship brochure.

Yes, I want to help keep children in our community safe.

Every dollar makes a difference.  Please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to help us continue providing safety education to our community.


or send checks by mail to CCSEV 2695 Rt. 394 Ashville, NY 14710

Star IconGive the gift of your time.

Love our events?
Volunteer to assist in the planning, coordinating, or fundraising.

Good with kids?
Assist us in the classroom with crafts, organization, and student help.

Enjoy the outdoors?
Help us with landscaping and groundskeeping.

Need community service hours?
Student volunteer hours can be used toward community service requirements.

Did you know?
We partner with the Foster Grandparent Program and RSVP.

Please contact us for more information, or email Chautauqua Safety Village Executive Director, Jessica Dayton at

House iconThank you to our sponsors

New York Credit Union Association logo

Interested in seeing our sponsor’s buildings? Take a virtual tour of our village!