Summer Safety Classes
Our hands-on safety training simulates real life scenarios that prepare children to know what to do in various situations. Teaching children in this way promotes information retention, which when applied, can save the life of anyone involved in emergency situations.
- Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
- Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
- $10 per child
- Safety Village members receive free registration
Safety Class Description:
Students begin their fire safety journey in the classroom, learning crucial prevention tips. To put this knowledge into action, they embark on a realistic escape plan simulation in a model home. Their first stop is the kitchen, where they learn about potential hazards and practice escaping simulated smoke. Crawling low to the ground helps them navigate below the smoke layer.
Next, they encounter a warm door. Feeling it with the back of their hand reinforces the importance of finding an alternative escape route. The exit becomes a bedroom window, equipped with an escape ladder. Climbing down half a story, they reach their designated meeting place.
Finally, they practice the essential skill of making a 911 call, solidifying their preparedness in case of a real fire emergency.
The traffic and scooter safety lesson gets participants ready to hit the road safely. They’ll learn the essentials: recognizing traffic signs, following the rules of the road, how to properly fit a helmet, and using hand signals.
The course puts their skills to the test in a fun, controlled environment designed specifically for children. On our village streets scaled just for their size, participants will get behind the wheel of electric cars or scooters (depending on age) and practice what they’ve learned. They’ll navigate the streets, using proper hand signals, obeying traffic signs, and putting the rules of the road into action.
Refund Policy:
If you cancel more than 1 week before the class, we will refund everything except the 3% processing fee. There are no refunds for cancellations made less than 1 week before the class.
Click Below to Register: