First Aid (ages 9-13)
This 2-hour course teaches students how to respond to and manage an emergency until Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrives. Skills learned include applying pressure to a bleeding wound, treating sprains, broken bones, and other first-aid treatments.
Course walk-through:
Upon arrival, the students watch a video that documents an accident, outlines how to respond, and shows the types of first aid a victim may need. After the video, we discuss the responsibilities of first responders and the possibilities of students someday being in those roles.
Next, the class is split into to two smaller groups to maximize information retention and more focused learning. In their groups, students will role-play a mock accident, which provides a hands-on opportunity to discover what to do during an emergency. We teach students to focus on identifying scene safety, how to assess patients, how to call 911, and we practice hands-only CPR. Our course emphasizes the 4C’s of First Aid (see below) and covers basic first aid techniques, how to to recognize and treat basic medical emergencies, and practicing choking relief.
Lastly, students get the unique and special opportunity to tour a real-life ambulance. This allows students to become familiar with the equipment utilized by EMS personnel.
The 4C’s of First Aid:
- Check the scene for safety
- Call 911
- Care for the injury
- Cleanliness
Please call (716) 338-0170 or contact us for more information.