Fire Safety (all ages)
This Fire Safety Training accurately simulates real life emergencies. Teaching students in this way promotes information retention, which when applied, can save the life of anyone involved in a fire. This course starts as early as Pre-K, advances with each grade, and builds on the previous year.
Course walk-through:
First, the instructor teaches from “Sparky’s Hazard House” and describes the family who lives in this home. The children are taught the importance of smoke detectors, knowing two ways out of every room, having an emergency meeting place, and creating an escape plan.
Next the students are taken into our mock home to practice an escape. Under simulated smoke, they get low (where there is clean breathing air) and crawl out of the room on their hands and knees. We teach students that using the back of their hand is the safest way to identify if there is a fire on the other side of a door. Students then feel the bedroom door that is custom-made to heat to 106 degrees, which safely simulates the feeling of real fire emergency.
Our instructor then talks the students through unlocking the window and discusses options for the next steps of the escape plan. If fire fighters are circling the house looking for people, waving something bright colored (like a pillowcase) out the window can draw attention, or they can climb down an escape ladder to get to their meeting place. With instructor assistance, the students then experience climbing out the window down a half story to safety, and are taught to never return inside the house for any reason.
Once the instructor is sure everyone has escaped, a mock 911 call is placed. The students hear the conversation with the dispatcher as the instructor clearly states their name, address and what the emergency is. While the 911 call is being placed, a fireman arrives at the “Fire Station” and explains to the students how their uniform and equipment keep them safe. This helps children identify that firefighters are their friends and are there to help.
Lastly, students practice the “Stop, Drop and Roll” technique and learn to keep their body straight, cover their face with their hands, and roll back and forth.
This Fire Safety Training accurately simulates real life emergencies. Teaching students in this way promotes information retention, which when applied, can save the life of anyone involved in a fire. We encourage children to go home and talk to their families about the importance of having an escape plan and safe meeting space.
Please call (716) 338-0170 or contact us for more information.